Thursday, August 11, 2011

Josef Ajram - Where is the limit?

I know, I know. It is a little wear writing a post about a guy. I'm willing to accept the jokes whatsoever.

Josef Ajram, you have to read about this guy. In fact, you have to read his book Where is the limit? Whether you are an athlete, a trader  or a cook, you will find this personage fascinating.

I am not going to talk about his life, achievements, etc. That you can read in his page.  Josef is an example of how to enjoy life, about doing the things you love and being the best at it. Work, sacrifices and more work. Do it right and  you will enjoy the process as you will enjoy the reward.

I've been captivated by the stocks markets since I worked for the Colombia Stock Exchange in 2008. I was part of the development team of the website. Despite not working directly with transactions, I did get involved with stocks basic knowledge. Three years later I found myself  even more attracted to the financial economics.

It is hard to tell, but I think this guy, Josef, gave me the final push I needed to start studying again. I  am a software engineer, but I signed up for an MBA specialized in finance starting Sept of this year (2011) at the  Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles. It translates as something like Stock Market Studies Institute.  Even when I chose the MBA and not a specific degree in stocks, I wanted to be close to that world.

I'm still working for an IT Consultancy, but now I am also one step  closer to something I feel passionated about. Passion I've lost for the IT field. That's the main reason behind the MBA, I need a change, I need a new goal to feel I am moving forward.

The bad part,  the MBA costs a lot of money -- a least it is a lot to me --. To start investing, trading or whatever I need money. If you are curious I will need about 10.000 €. It is not betting, this amount is for operational purposes not to risk the whole thing.

My goal? Start trading sometime next year. Make a living out of trading? I don't think so, not in the near future. Just to have  something that is completely mine. Even if you own a company, you still need a team, clients, etc. You are not alone on it. What I find completely attracting in the trading world  is that it is only you "against" the world. Like running a marathon, achieving the goal lies on you and you only.

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